
先通过 npm 安装swig :
nbsp;npm install swig --save
Swig可以很容易就兼容Express,Express是一个基于nodejs的简单好用的应用框架。下面就是一个基础的集合Swig和Expressd 两个框架的例子:
var app = require('express')(), swig = require('swig'), people; // This is where all the magic happens! app.engine('html', swig.renderFile); app.set('view engine', 'html'); app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); // Swig 将会默认为你缓存模板文件,但是你能够禁用它,并使用Express来缓存并代替它 // Swig will cache templates for you, but you can disable // that and use Express's caching instead, if you like: app.set('view cache', false); // To disable Swig's cache, do the following: swig.setDefaults({ cache: false }); // 注意:你应该确保在生产环境中始终使用模板缓存 // NOTE: You should always cache templates in a production environment. // Don't leave both of these to `false` in production! app.get('/', function (req, res) { res.render('index', { /* template locals context */ }); }); app.listen(1337); console.log('Application Started on http://localhost:1337/');
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